Offers “Unilever”

Expires soon Unilever

Private Domain Operation Supervisor/微信私域运营主管

  • Shanghai, CHINA
  • Marketing

Job description



1. 根据公司战略发展目标,针对不同的业务场景协助制定以企业微信为主的私域运营策略并落地执行,实现对用户拉新、留存、促活和销售转化;

2. 持续挖掘用户需求和痛点,结合行业热点、产品特点和品牌营销节奏制定私域内容日历、线上营销活动和激励机制,并监督管理代理商执行落地,促进核心指标达成;

3. 分析用户画像和行为,不断完善私域标签体系,对用户进行分层精准运营,提升转化效率;

4. 统计、分析相关数据,监测异常,结合各区域线上销售队员的经验反馈定期复盘运营成果,不断优化创新运营玩法;

5. 输出迭代标准SOP,对各区域线上销售人员进行专业培训,并监督执行;

6. 进行跨部门的需求对接及合作


1. 本科以上学历,两年以上私域运营经验,有品牌私域运营方法论和成功案例者优先,餐饮行业经验者更佳;

2. 熟悉企业微信等私域管理工具,了解并熟悉微信生态的规则及玩法;

3. 具备互联网思维,有较强的语言文字表达能力和线上活动策划执行能力

4. 对运营数据敏感,有较强的分析能力,及时根据数据变化随时调整运营策略;

5. 良好的逻辑思维能力和项目管理能力,能独立对项目时间节点、关键进程进行把控;

6. 良好的沟通协调能力,善于跨部门沟通合作

7. 较强的责任心和适应力

Unilever is an organisation committed to equity, inclusion and diversity to drive our business results and create a better future, every day, for our diverse employees, global consumers, partners, and communities. We believe a diverse workforce allows us to match our growth ambitions and drive inclusion across the business. At Unilever we are interested in every individual bringing their ‘Whole Self’ to work and this includes you! Thus if you require any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at the time of your application so that we can support you through your recruitment journey.

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