F&B Oak Door and Maduro General Manager- 料飲部 オークドア・マデュロ 統括マネージャー
Tokyo, JAPAN Sales
Job description
・Operations Management: Oversee restaurant and bar operations, maintain profitability and quality, promote business, and ma
nage budgets.
・Administration: Develop and update operations manuals, attend meetings, and conduct briefings.
・Customer Service: Build guest relationships, handle complaints, ensure high service standards.
・Financial Management: Assist with budget preparation, record sales, manage inventory, and develop revenue strategies.
・Marketing: Maximize revenues, monitor market trends, implement promotions, and work with digital marketing.
・Operational Support: Support outlets, ensure compliance with policies, and develop new menus.
・People Management: Supervise and develop staff, monitor morale, and ensure compliance with laws and policies.
Desired profile
Qualifications :
人柄 :適応力があり、親しみやすく、ゲストやスタッフのニーズを理解し、対応できる。
リーダーシップ: 強力なリーダーシップと委任スキル。
カスタマーサービス: 顧客サービス:優れた対人スキル
財務的洞察力: 予算およびコスト管理に関する知識。
マーケティング: マーケティング:市場動向を理解し、プロモーションを実行できる。
オペレーション知識: 飲食オペレーションに関する知識。
柔軟性: フレキシブルな勤務が可能で、業界のトレンドに常に敏感であること。
コンプライアンス: 関連する法律や安全方針に関する知識
・Personality traits: Adaptable and approachable, ensuring they understand and address the needs of guests and staff, respond f
lexibly to changing circumstances, demonstrate strong problem-solving skills, and maintain a friendly and welcoming demeanor.
・Leadership: Strong leadership and delegation skills.
・Customer Service: Excellent interpersonal skills.
・Financial Acumen: Budgeting and cost management knowledge.
・Marketing: Understanding market trends and executing promotions.
・Operational Knowledge: Knowledge of food and beverage operations.
・Flexibility: Ability to work flexible hours and stay updated on industry trends.
・Communication: Effective communication skills.
・Compliance: Knowledge of relevant laws and safety policies.