Offers “Accor”

Expires soon Accor

Rooms Division Manager

  • Yokosuka, JAPAN
  • Sales

Job description


米軍横須賀基地に隣接し、鎌倉へも至近の立地。横須賀芸術劇場に隣接し、横須賀のランドマーク的な存在。Close to the US Naval Base, Kamakura area. Part of striking Bay Square Complex, which includes the Yokosuka Arts Theatre, Mercure Yokosuka is prominent feature in the city skyline.


労務管理(部下の勤怠、育成) 数値管理(予算作成、売上、費用等) オーナー資料作成他

Labor management, Team Development, Revenue Management, Budget, Sales analysis



宿泊部経験者 管理能力、交渉力、協調性、引率力のある方 PMS(OPERA)スキル ビジネス英語必須 Manager of Rooms Department, PMS(Opera) Skill, English Skill

Make every future a success.
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