Offers “Vinci Construction Grands Projets”

35 days agoVinci Construction Grands Projets

Project Engineer F/H

  • CDI
  • France
  • Master, Titre d'ingénieur, Bac +5

Job description

The purpose of this role is to assist the Area Manager in the reporting and consolidation of the activities of the Middle-East Area.


This will be achieved through a transverse role in different disciplines:

·         Commercial Monitoring:

o    update of the prospects and their development

·         Procurement :

o   preparation or support for services procurement ;

o   suppliers database : consolidation and update

·         Tendering :

o   assistance to tenders;

o   support to proposals

·         Area Dash-Board Consolidation:

o   Project Progress Follow-Up

o   QHSE reporting

o   Cost Control: projects and sector

Desired profile

Required Qualifications

•  University Degree in engineering

Experience And Skills

• Initial experience on a project site or part of a proposal team

• Technical understanding capacity

· Define and monitor KPI to establish measurement of performance.

· Demonstrable ability to adapt to different cultures

· English proficiency required

Key Behaviours and Attributes

•  Strategic Skills – Innovative and Agile

•  Operating Skills – Priority Setting

•  Energy & Drive – Determined / Perseverance / Meticulous

•  Personal & Interpersonal Skills – Ethics and Values / Integrity and Trust / Motivating others

Additional Information

• Can travel oversea for short-term or mid-term missions

About Vinci Construction Grands Projets

VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de14 560 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires annuel de l'ordre de 4 milliards d'euros. Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, il conçoit et réalise des ouvrages complexes à l'international.
Ses domaines d'expertise couvrent les infrastructures de transport (ponts, tunnels, routes, ouvrages maritimes), les bâtiments (tours, aéroports, parkings), l'énergie et l'oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales), les infrastructures minières, hydrauliques et environnementales.
Grâce à son expertise, sa capacité d'ingénierie et son management de projets, il déploie des solutions globales et modulables, en partenariat avec les acteurs locaux

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