Expires soon Sopra-Steria


  • Pozzuoli (Napoli)
  • Logistics

Job description

Company Description

Sopra Steria, a major Tech player in Europe with 52,000* employees in nearly 30 countries, is recognised for its consulting, digital services and solutions. It helps its clients drive their digital transformation and obtain tangible and sustainable benefits.

The Group provides end-to-end solutions to make large companies and organisations more competitive by combining in-depth knowledge of a wide range of business sectors and innovative technologies with a collaborative approach.

Sopra Steria places people at the heart of everything it does and is committed to putting digital to work for its clients in order to build a positive future for all. In 2023, the Group generated revenues of €5.8 billion.

With approximately 1,200 employees and a 2023 revenue of €97.8 million, Sopra Steria operates in the Italian market through its offices in Assago (MI), Rome, Collecchio (PR), Padua, Ariano Irpino (AV), and Pozzuoli (NA).


* Headcount reassessed following the sale of most Sopra Banking Software activities in September 2024

The World Is How We Shape It

Job Description

If you want to shape the future with us by working on important projects for prestigious Clients and you recognise yourself in the profile, accept the challenge and apply! We are looking for:


Our Supply Chain Consulting team is seeking for Supply Chain Planning Consultants/Managers to develop and grow our presence in the market.


·  Benefits of deterministic approach to planning processes starts becoming less and less effective because of high volatility and uncertainty of the environments
·  New Technology adoption, high level process integration and flexible organization framework are the keys to success in the Supply Chain Digitalization journey


·  Status quo is characterized by high level fragmentation of the E2E supply process (Finance, Demand, Purchasing, Production, Merchandise, Logistics, Allocation, Distribution, Replenishment)
·  Sopra Steria is facing the challenge of designing and implementing an Integrated Business Model in order to leverage on data, systems and competences available through the chain, maintaining agility and flexibility


·  Make your processes Integrated
·  Extract maximum value from people: new mindset needed, to be fostered through appropriate Change Management
·  Extract maximum value from technology


Our Consulting team helps companies to develop strategies and operating models that integrate finance, planning, procurement, product portfolio, manufacturing, distribution and fulfilment functions within their organizations, as well as integrate suppliers and customers across an E2E supply chain.

Each individual within the team becomes an Advisor for our customers to escort them in the digital transformation as well as change management. We embrace the value based approach that means we are always measured on the improvements and value that our customers obtain with our support.

Supply Chain Management professionals develop and implement integrated business planning solutions that improve the capability of our customers to balance service, costs and cash, increase business effectiveness, and create synergies and collaboration across companies.



Role’s Responsibilities

·  Work directly with customers and understand their business requirements
·  Find solutions to customers’ planning pain points
·  Persuade customers and managers why alternative approaches may be needed
·  Decide which methods and procedures to use when completing projects
·  Work within the project/program team and being leader of the assigned project stream
·  Make sure that projects support customers meet their important goals
·  Solving key business challenges by enabling end-to-end Supply Chain transformation, painting a picture of, and charting a journey from the current state to a “to-be” enterprise environment
·  Overseeing the design and implementation of Integrated Business Planning solutions
·  Managing business development opportunities to bring innovative solutions and ways of working to customers
·  Building and applying technical, industry, organization, and functional knowledge to support efforts in selling opportunities to existing and new customers
·  Developing, utilizing, and sharing deep skills as a Consulting practitioner to ensure market and client relevance
·  Be ready to challenge old ways of doing things
·  Serve as the chief planner/architect for delivery initiative

Experience Required

·  Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and business acumen
·  Minimum 4-8 years scoping and delivering transformation and innovation advisory solutions and services
·  Minimum 2 year of experience in any the following areas: Integrated Business Planning Digital Supply Chain Data driven Supply Chain Supply Chain Technology Cloud Advisory Supply Chain Strategy Integrated Business Planning Transformation Management
·  Clear understanding of Planning processes across the end to end supply chain
·  Analytical and quantitative capabilities
·  Ability to quickly pick up and apply complex technical skills
·  Knowledge of probabilistic vs deterministic methods and when to use each
·  Fluent in English
·  Strong communication and presentation skills

Additional Skills

·  Integrated Business Planning (IBP / S&OP), Supply Chain Planning, Supply Chain Control Tower, Transportation Management, Warehouse Management, Supply Chain Sustainability and Supply Chain Operating Model
·  Experience with most popular supply chain planning tools (IBP, TMS or WMS)
·  Experience in supporting Presales process
·  Knowledge or Certification in Project Management
·  Ability to work under pressure
·  Knowledge of other languages

Additional Information


We offer you the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment , on national and international projects , allowing you to continuously expand your knowledge and develop your skills .

If you want to give your career a boost and join a leading IT services company in Europe and in continuous growth, send us your CV!

The place of work is Pozzuoli (NA) with the opportunity to join the smart-working agreement according to our company policy. However, availability to travel nationally and internationally is required.

Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
I Dati personali raccolti in relazione alla gestione delle domande di assunzione (CV, rapporti di interviste, ecc.) sono trattati da Sopra Steria Group S.p.A. in qualità di titolare del trattamento sulla base dell'interesse legittimo della società a valutare la capacità del candidato di ottenere le posizioni lavorative che potrebbero essere proposte durante la conservazione dei tuoi dati, nonché la necessità di svolgere ogni attività preliminare alla conclusione di un contratto di lavoro.
Le varie categorie di Dati personali raccolti sono:

·  dati identificativi dei candidati (compresi nome, cognome, fotografia, data di nascita, indirizzo postale, numero di telefono, indirizzo e-mail);
·  esperienza professionale, formazione, lingue.

Questi Dati Personali possono essere elaborati da personale autorizzato (servizi HR) di Sopra Steria Group S.p.A. e delle imprese del Gruppo Sopra Steria. Se questi destinatari sono tenuti a trattare i tuoi Dati Personali al di fuori dell'Unione Europea, i trasferimenti di dati saranno effettuati in conformità con la legislazione in vigore.
Questi dati personali vengono conservati durante un periodo di 5 anni dopo l'ultimo contatto del richiedente da parte di Sopra Steria Group S.p.A.

Tutte le regole relative ai tuoi dati raccolti in questo modo sono dettagliate nella Carta di protezione dei dati personali (https://www.soprasteria.it/footer/informativa-sulla-privacy).

In conformità con la legislazione / i regolamenti vigenti in materia di tecnologia dell'informazione, documenti e libertà civili, hai diritti di accesso, rettifica, cancellazione, portabilità, limitazione, opposizione e definizione di istruzioni riguardanti la sorte dei tuoi Dati personali dopo la tua morte. Questi diritti saranno esercitati inviando un'e-mail al responsabile della protezione dei dati (DPO) all'indirizzo [email protected] o per posta a questo indirizzo: Sopra Steria Group S.p.A. - Ufficio legale - Strada 4 Palazzo A7 - 20090 Assago (MI)
Hai anche il diritto di presentare un reclamo Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 Roma), se il titolare del trattamento non rispetta gli obblighi previsti dalla legislazione in vigore

Nella nostra azienda, ci impegniamo a combattere tutte le forme di discriminazione. Promuoviamo un ambiente di lavoro inclusivo e rispettoso di tutte le differenze.

Tutte le nostre posizioni sono aperte a tutti sulla base delle competenze dei candidati e non sull'orientamento sessuale, l'etnia, il credo religioso, politico, l'età o qualsiasi altra differenza.

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