Offers “Janin Atlas”

Expires soon Janin Atlas

Accountant F/H

  • CDI
  • Etats Unis

Job description

Duties and Responsibilities: 


  • Support schedules according to corporate timelines 
  • Assist with the monthly closure procedures 
  • Prepare account reconciliations (cash, liabilities, fixed assets, payroll accruals) and supporting sub-ledgers  
  • Assists in preparing budgets and forecasts  
  • Implement payments and keep records 
  • Reviews invoices to ensure accuracy, validity and appropriate approvals 
  • Maintains and updates the invoice register for paid invoices 
  • Reconciles petty cash balances monthly  
  • Assists in preparation of summary payments reports, and other reports that may be required from time to time
  • Responsible for other administrative duties assigned by supervisor to support office activities 
  • Assists in monitoring budgets and forecasts 
  • Keeps communication with banks for transfers 
  • Assists with tax filling and other mandatory filling
  • Petty Cash replenishments and disbursements 
  • Ensure that statements and records comply with laws and regulations 
  • Implement and follows letters of credit 
  • Inspect account books and accounting systems to keep up to date 
  • Ensure a regular and reliable inventory of fixed assets and stock (Appraise, evaluate, recording information such as the property's description, value, and location)
  • Provide auditing services for the company and the staff 
  • Prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. 
  • Suggest ways to reduce costs, enhance revenues and improve profits

Desired profile

Key Skills and Knowledge:

  • Bachelor / Master’s Degree in Commerce. Experience of minimum 5 years within the construction industry (Large infrastructure project is preferred).
  • Good knowledge of accounting rules, regulations and procedures.
  • Ability to support the team and colleagues under deadline situations and respond to changes in priorities.
  • Ability to work independently, take initiative, set priorities and see projects through to completion.
  • Employ problem-solving skills and analysis, and report problems to the Accounting Services Manager, as necessary.
  • Knowledge of the project structure in a client/consultant business environment.
  • Ability to speak to others and convey information effectively

About Janin Atlas

VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de 7000 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 2,5 md€ (données 2021). Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, qui ont associé leurs noms à des références majeures à l'échelle internationale, VINCI Construction Grands Projets maîtrise l'ensemble des savoir-faire liés à la réalisation d'ouvrages complexes.

VINCI Construction Grands Projets conçoit et réalise partout dans le monde de grands ouvrages de génie civil et de bâtiment : infrastructures de transport (ponts et viaducs, travaux souterrains, linéaires de surface et maritimes), bâtiments (tours de bureaux et de logements, parkings, aéroports, ouvrages administratifs et culturels), énergies et oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales thermiques et nucléaires), infrastructures minières (accès, terrassements, travaux souterrains et à ciel ouvert, génie civil), infrastructures hydrauliques (barrages, stations de pompage et de traitement des eaux usées, distribution et évacuation des eaux) et environnement (systèmes d'assainissement et d'amélioration des réseaux d'eau potable, centres d'enfouissement technique).

Le haut niveau d'expertise de VINCI Construction Grands Projets et sa forte capacité d'ingénierie et de management de projets vont de pair avec une organisation réactive et une politique de partenariat avec les entreprises locales, lui permettant de déployer des solutions à la fois globales et modulables.

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