Recruiter (人事・採用担当) Full-time, Service Office
JAPAN Personal services
Job description
What you'll need to have
Qualification requirement
-Minimum of 2 years of HR related experience
-Ability to communicate effectively in English and Japanese
-Commitment to Excellence
-An inclusive team player who is proactive and self-motivated.
1. Knowledge of identifying, assessing, selecting and hiring suitable candidates for a job at IKEA
2. Knowledge of candidate behaviours and labour market trends in that can help IKEA to gain insights to better attract co-workers
3. Ambassador of the IKEA culture and values
4. Takes action without needing direction from others – ability to work independently, take own initiatives and responsibility but also a team-player
5. Expresses ideas and opinions effectively in verbal and written communication
1. イケアの職務に適した候補者を特定し、評価し、選定し、採用するための知識
2. 候補者の態度や行動などに関する知識 とイケアがコワーカーをより惹きつけるための洞察を得るために役立つ労働市場のトレンドの知識
3. イケアの文化や価値観を伝えるアンバサダーになれる方
4. 自主的に行動し、自ら率先して責任を負うことができ、かつチームで働くことができる方
5. 口頭および書面でのコミュニケーションにおいて、アイデアや意見を効果的に表現できる方
Your responsibilities
This is a job for a recruiter in the IKEA Japan Service Office (Head Office) and Human Resources Department, which is responsible for recruiting for all IKEA Japan stores and channels.
1. Creates an outstanding candidate experience from initial candidate contact to job offer that is efficient and aligned with our values
2. Partners with Steering Managers and Hiring Managers to gain unique understanding of positions as assigned
3. Communicates effectively and proactively throughout the recruiting process
- 1 - 2 days a week, work in office. 3 -4 days a week, work from home (as of Feb 2022)
1. 候補者との最初の接触から内定まで、効率的で当社の価値観に沿った優れた候補者体験を創造する。
2. ステアリング・マネージャーやハイヤリング・マネージャーと協力し、指定されたポジションを独自に理解する。
3. 採用プロセスを通じて、効果的かつ積極的にコミュニケーションを図る。
週1-2日、オフィス(IKEA Tokyo-Bay内)での勤務。週3-4日、在宅勤務(2022年2月現在)
About this work area
▪正社員 週40時間契約
▪定年制度あり (65歳定年)
▪産前産後休暇 *取得実績あり
▪育児休暇 *復帰後時短勤務可能
▪パタニティ休暇(父親の有給休暇)・パートナーの育児休暇 *取得実績あり
▪社会保険完備(加入必須: 扶養から抜けての契約):厚生年金・健康保険・雇用保険
▪賞与:One IKEA(ワン・イケア) - ボーナスプログラム
▪Tack! コワーカーロイヤルティプログラム
*Please note the application deadline may end in the morinig. So please be sure to not leave your application until the 'closing date' and submit as soon as you can. At the latest, we advise you submit the day before the 'closing date'.
*Furthermore, it is possible a position's recruitment may close early if the contract has been filled. We advise that you submit an application as soon as you can.
Questions and support? Let's connect!
IKEA Recruitment Team:
IKEA Recruitment Team: