Executive Chef
Guangzhou, CHINA Sales
Job description
Main Duties
§ 确保厨房部的各项活动及标准均与集团策略保持一致,同时充分介绍、落实及保持凯悦酒店以及酒店的要求。
Ensures that culinary activities and standards are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and initiatives of Hyatt. Establishes and adheres to hotel specifications and standards which are used to ensure that standards are introduced, implemented and consistently maintained.
§ 监督各个部门的操作手册的准备和更新工作。
Assists in overseeing the preparation and update of individual Departmental Operations Manuals.
§ 组织及参与部门的例会,保证酒店内部信息的有效沟通及会议的有效性。
Conducts and attends regular communications meetings and ensures that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and coordinated as necessary.
Customer Service
§ 确保所有厨房员工时刻提供给客人如品牌承诺的服务。
Ensures that all culinary Associates deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.
§ 确保所有厨房员工对酒店其他部门的同事,也就是我们酒店的内部客人也要保证始终如一的高品质服务。
Ensures that all culinary Associates also provide excellent service to internal customers as appropriate.
§ 多在厨房里观察员工和客人/员工和其他部门同事的互动, 并确保关系良好、正常。有需要时指导员工。
Spends time observing Associates to guests / Associate to Associates’ interactions. Ensuring these are always appropriate and coach Associates when necessary.
§ 以礼貌高效的服务处理来自酒店外部的客人和内部客人的投诉,同时对问题的解决要跟进,并且询问客人的满意度。
Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a timely, courteous and efficient manner. Following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.
§ 确保与客人及同事的良好的互动,保持专业和睦的工作关系。
Ensures positive guest and colleague interactions, maintaining professional and positive working relationships.
§ 利用工作轮换,丰富员工的工作内容等方法来提高工作效率和积极性,在达成酒店财务目标的同事达成客人期望。
Maximises Associate productivity through the use of multi-skilling, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet the financial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.
§ 保证为客人提供最高水平的服务,同时完成部门的商业目标使利润最大化。
Ensures that each profit centre (e.g. Outlet, Banquets) is operated in line with maximising profit while delivering on the brand promise.
§ 确保最低的成本架构为但同时为客人提供品牌承诺的服务。
Ensures the lowest possible cost structures whist also delivering the Brand Promise to the guests.
§ 协助完成餐饮部年度营运计划的准备。
Assists in the preparation of the Annual Business Plan for Food and Beverage.
§ 对经营业绩进行战略分析以更便于得到准确而有意义的预测,适当的时候也让各个部门经理参与其中。
Strategically analyses business performance to facilitate accurate and meaningful forecasting, involving the respective Heads of Department as appropriate.
Financial (continued)
§ 以主要的业绩表现指数为基础对成本进行预先管理控制,适当的时候也让各个部门经理参与其中。
Proactively manages costs based on key performance indicators, working through the respective Heads of Department as appropriate.
§ 确保财务记录的保留、钱款处理以及及时而准确的财政信息的上报全部符合酒店、公司和本地的制度、政策和规章的规定。
Ensures that all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, money handling and licensing are adhered to.
§ 协助管理库存,保养厨房内的设施, 和其他固定资产。
Assists in the inventory management and ongoing maintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.
§ 帮助指导配料的输入,菜谱和其他数据的总结,维持物料管理和成本审查的顺利进行。
Assists with the input and oversight of product specifications, recipes and other data as required, supporting the smooth operation of Materials Management and Cost Audit functions.
§ 准备,落实,更新年度市场计划,当有需要时将部门细分。
Prepares, utilises and updates an Annual Marketing Plan, broken down as necessary by department.
§ 及时分析当地的,国内的和国际的市场及供应商趋势,保证酒店的竞争力。
Constantly evaluates local, national and international market trends, vendors and other hotel/restaurant operations to make sure that the hotel’s own operations remain competitive and cutting edge.
§ 鼓励各下属部门的经理建立良好的公共关系,为酒店提供更多的商业机会。
Encourages Heads of Department to look for Marketing and Public Relations opportunities to increase awareness and ultimately business.
§ 不断创新,提高餐厅的营业率。
Continuously explores ways to support outlets in creating products that help to maximise revenues and profits.
§ 协助提高酒店知名度和营业额的市场和公共关系的机遇。
Assist in Marketing and Public Relations opportunities to increase awareness and business levels.
§ 充分介绍、落实及保持各项的品牌标准。
Ensures that all Brand Standards have been introduced, implemented and maintained as appropriate.
Operational (continued)
§ 监督各部门的运作,尤其在高峰时间,有需要的时候对部门的工作作出调整,以提高工作效率。
Monitors all operations, especially during peak business periods, working through the respective Head of Department to make adjustments where necessary.
§ 基于神秘客人调查的结果,尽快改善及实行相关改正。
Responds to the results of the LRA and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.
§ 激励员工的创新意识,并且对他们的创新和对部门的贡献给予肯定。
Encourages Associates to be creative and innovative, challenging and recognising them for their contribution to the success of the operation.
§ 与其他管理团队成员积极配合,学习主动灵活的工作方式,为酒店的客人提供最优质的服务,以酒店大局为重。
Work closely with other management associate in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
§ 保证所有厨房部员工以积极灵活主动的方式与其他部门的员工协作,我们的精神是:团队协作.
Ensures that all Associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
§ 确保每个员工知道市场上的应季的和新兴的原材料。
Ensures that all Associates are up-to-date with the availability of seasonal and new products on the market.
§ 检查和监督食品生产的每个过程,在适当的时候提供反馈信息。
Tastes and monitors products served throughout the operation, providing feedback where appropriate.
§ 与物料部经理,和备餐厨房一起保证原材料的物美价廉。
Works with the Materials Manager in the procurement of the best product for the best price.
§ 与餐务部经理一起保证厨房的卫生状况,保养厨房中的仪器,将破损率将到最低,延长它们的使用寿命。
Works closely with the Stewarding Manager to ensure that hygiene standards are maintained. Supervises Associates to make sure that operating equipment is cared for and properly used to maximise its useful life, and to minimise breakage and personal injury.
§ 监督员工餐厅食品的质量,使员工餐厅的食品质量与其他的餐厅一样高。
Oversees the quality and variety of food and beverages served in the Associate Restaurant, ensuing that this outlet is operated to the same standard as any other outlet.
§ 熟悉紧急事件处理程序。
Familiar with all Fire and Emergency Procedure.
§ 监督和帮助录用厨房部的员工。确保在筛选及录用员工时能依照酒店的职能标准。
Assists in the recruitment and selection of all culinary Associates. Ensuring that Hotel guidelines and policies are fully implemented when recruiting and selecting Associates.
§ 监督餐饮部所有员工的出勤情况,保证部门内所有员工的,着装,仪表和个人卫生符合酒店的标准。
Oversees the punctuality and appearance of all culinary Associates, making sure that they wear the correct uniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene, according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards.
§ 通过适当的培训或指导,最大程度的发挥员工的工作能力。
Develops the skills and effectiveness of Associates through the appropriate training, coaching and/or mentoring.
§ 组织年度工作评估总结员工的进步,并在专业技能发展上给予支持。
Conducts annual Performance Development Discussions with key culinary Associates. Supporting Associates in their professional development goals.
§ 与进修及培训发展部经理和部门培训员一起计划和落实为员工安排的培训。
Plans and implements effective training programmes with the Learning and Development Manager and Departmental Trainers.
§ 通过提供反馈信息和每月的总结会议帮助发展部门培训员。
Assists in the development of Departmental Trainers through ongoing feedback and monthly meetings.
§ 检查厨房每周的排班表,确保计划中体现了部门的商业目标和酒店的服务标准。
Monitor weekly kitchen work rosters, making sure that they reflect business needs and other key performance indicators.
§ 支持落实人本品牌, 示范并加强凯悦价值观和文化特性。
Supports the implementation of The People Brand, demonstrating and reinforcing Hyatt’s Values and Culture Characteristics.
§ 保证所有的员工熟悉我们的员工守则和规定。
Ensures that Associates have a complete understanding of and adhere to Associate rules and regulations.
§ 了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
Ensures that Associates follow all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to fire and hazard safety, and security.
§ 为员工敬业度调查的结果提供回馈,对合理要求作出相应的调整。
Provides feedback on the results of the Associate Engagement Survey and ensuring that the relevant changes are implemented.
Other Duties
§ 熟悉行业内的相关规定和员工法规。
Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in Associate and industrial relations.
§ 熟悉并严格遵守员工手册及管理人守则中的规章制度,及有关酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
Understands and strictly adheres to Rules and Regulations established in the Associate Handbook, Managers Guides and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health and safety.
§ 保证高标准的个人仪表。
Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming.
§ 与竞争酒店,商业伙伴和其他的组织建立和维持稳固的,专业的关系。
Maintains strong, professional relationship with the relevant representatives from competitor hotels, business partners and other organisations.
§ 根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。
Responds to changes in the Food and Beverage function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.
§ 根据安排出席酒店和部门的培训以提高技能和知识。
Attends training sessions and meetings as and when required.
§ 执行额外的合理的任务和职责。
Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.
§ 响应安排,根据酒店、行业和公司的指令做调整,执行其他餐厅 和部门的合理的任务和职责。
Respond to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties also in other outlets and departments as normal assigned and adjust to changes as dictated by hotel, industry and company.
The statements in this job description are intended to describe the essential nature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be ALL responsibilities or qualifications of the job.
Desired profile
Qualifications :