Offers “Enac”

Expires soon Enac

Ingénieure / Ingénieur de recherche en Safety management (Post-doctorat)

  • CDD
  • Toulouse (Haute-Garonne)
  • Design / Civil engineering / Industrial engineering

Job description

Founded 70 years ago, ENAC, École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, is Europe's largest aeronautical Grandes Écoles or university. It provides initial and advanced training for managers and key players in the civil aviation industry: engineering, air navigation, piloting, airport management, research, expertise and international development.

ENAC is a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment, under the supervision of the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile ), the French civil aviation authority. ENAC has a main campus in Toulouse and 8 sites in France.

In the context of the Airbus-ENAC chair on safety management, the research engineer will explore how making safety management approaches auditable may affect their safety efficiency.
This research involves:
a/ keeping up to date a literature review on a variety of aspects including safety management, regulatory frameworks, audits, combining scientific and more practical sources
b/ performing interviews with safety management stakeholders
c/ facilitating workshops as needed
d/ analyzing data from documents, workshops and interviews
e/ synthetizing the results and writing/presenting scientific papers and reports.

The research engineer will work with researchers from ENAC and the Airbus Chair, as well as international research partners and practitioners; and work independently.
The research engineer will also contribute to the management tasks related to the Airbus chair.

Desired profile

* Strong interest in research
* Strong knowledge of civil aviation and its safety management concepts, theories, models, and practices
* Strong knowledge of social sciences
* Strong experience in observation, interview, and qualitative data analysis techniques
* Advanced spoken and written English
* Communication with both researchers and aviation practitioners
* Very good interpersonal and facilitation skills
* Strong background in safety management
* Experience in project management and planning of deliverables

About Enac

L’ENAC, École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, est la plus importante des Grandes Écoles ou universités aéronautiques en Europe. Elle forme à un spectre large de métiers : des ingénieurs ou des professionnels de haut niveau capables de concevoir et faire évoluer les systèmes aéronautiques et plus largement ceux du transport aérien ainsi que des pilotes de ligne, des contrôleurs aériens ou encore des techniciens aéronautiques.
Ses laboratoires de recherche sont à la pointe de l’innovation et travaillent activement en coopération avec des universités internationales de haut niveau pour un transport aérien toujours plus sûr, efficace et durable.

L’ENAC est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel – grand établissement (EPSCP-GE), sous tutelle de la DGAC (Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile), Direction du Ministère de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire. L’ENAC comprend une direction générale localisée à Toulouse et 8 sites en France.
Pour soutenir sa dynamique en faveur de la promotion de la diversité, l’ENAC facilite l’accueil et l’intégration des travailleurs en situation de handicap.

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