Offers “Eiffage”

7 days agoEiffage

Mécanicien TP F/H

  • Albertville, USA
  • Design / Civil engineering / Industrial engineering

Job description

Eiffage Route contribue à l’amélioration du réseau français, des voies communales aux tracés autoroutiers, qu’il s’agisse de conception, de construction ou d’entretien. Experte en aménagement urbain, Eiffage Route participe également à la réalisation de projets portuaires, aéroportuaires, industriels et commerciaux.

MISSIONSThe Infra Site Supervisor's mission is to manage the site, in coordination with the Works Supervisor and the various trades. They must ensure construction works meet schedules and the commitments undertaken.CORE RESPONSIBILITIESTeam management• Complete onboarding of employees, temporary staff and sub-contractors and verify authorizations (French Certificate of Fitness for Safe Driving (CACES)) Present the building site, its challenges, risks and the construction works to be completed to employees• Organize and plan the missions and the work of the teams, based on building site requirements and progress• Support teams’ professionalization and upskilling and manage HR processes within the scope they are responsible for• Encourage professional best practices and govern improper conductBuilding site preparation and installation• Ensure availability and consistency of all building site administrative documentation (authorizations, installation plans, construction working drawings, etc.)• Define and review the building site construction works, while acknowledging construction plans and documentation by visiting the site• Establish the constructions works schedule and operating procedure (technical decisions, security, resources, teams, Health and Safety Protection/Prevention (PPSPP), Quality Assurance (PAQ) and Environment Protection (PRE) plans) with the Works Supervisor• Communicate the necessary procedures and documentation (plans, methods, etc.) to teams and ensure their understanding• Ensure the equipment and materials needed to complete the building site are present and available by anticipating needs, ordering them in agreement with the Works Controller and managing their actual supply• Ensure the implementation of signage and security devices, prepare the access roads, storage areas and set up the building site’s living quarters, if appropriate• Supervise the acceptance, storage and boarding of the supplies (compliance with delivered materials and supplies) needed for the building site’s completionMonitoring of the building site’s construction• Supervise the set up of the construction• Present the building site to the teams, outlining its challenges, main characteristics, and dividing up the work into tasks to be completed• Monitor the progress of the works schedule• Perform technical checks during construction (materials, building site production of materials, compliance with the plan, etc.) and decide on any corrections to be made together with the Works Supervisor• Monitor consumption (hours, materials and equipment), analyze deviations from budget forecasts and notify the Works Supervisor, define and implement required corrective actions• Draft and communicate the building site report• Ensure that equipment and facilities are kept in good conditionBuilding site handover• Ensure the successful completion of each part of the works (acceptance, stop points and feedback)• Ensure the full completion of the construction works and organize building site withdrawal (cleaning, inventory, etc.)• Participate in construction handover• Collect and communicate the elements needed for the as-built drawingQuality, Prevention, Security, Environment Quality • Ensure full application of guidelines, procedures and rules to oversee individual and collective security on the building site• Produce reporting for various managers regarding the completed construction works and difficulties experienced• Ensure the quality and security of the construction works within planned lead times• Before leaving the construction work area, ensure the quality of the services provided (acceptance, resolution of stop points or feedback items, cleanliness, etc.)• Weekly team security management (Safety Force, Security 1/4 hour, etc.)• Manage environmental constraints and ensure the full adoption of the corresponding measuresSPECIFIC ACTIVITIESPIPE WORKS SITE SUPERVISOR/FEEDEROpening, repairing and closing of trenches• Guarantee the complete registration of networks before the start of construction works• Ensure that shallow trenches or trenches deeper than 1.30 meters are excavated (material cone, filter strip and shielding)• Ensure shoring and shielding• Ensure safe handling of existing pipelines (e.g., ensure no areas of pressure)• Ensure proper backfillingDEMOLITION/DECONTAMINATION SITE SUPERVISOR• Check that all required diagnostics (asbestos, lead, etc.) have been obtained• Guarantee the complete registration of networks before the start of construction works• Respect the withdrawal plan, ensure training of personnel and medical aptitude for asbestos work• Ensure waste tracking (Asbestos waste tracking slip (BSDA), waste tracking slip (BSD))RAIL WORKS SITE SUPERVISOR• Ensure compliance with specific safety standards for rail works (traffic, positioning, etc.) by providing extensive knowledge• Check building site cleanliness and compliance at the end of each shift to avoid rail accidentsEARTHWORKS SITE SUPERVISOR• Manage the maintenance of tracks and platforms, and ensure compliance with standards• Manage the implementation and enforcement of traffic zones• Manage and anticipate the completion of construction works, together with the work of other trades• Ensure compliance with production ratesROADS SUPERVISOREarthworks• Excavate trenches • Use a laser to make trapezoidal ditches, embankments, shoulders, curved or sloping trenches and to check the curve• Conduct trench closure testsPipe laying• Adjust excavation floors and develop pipe networks (PVC, cast iron, and sandstone)• Ensure laying of various service pipes: connections to inspection chambers, breech-pieces, pressure taps and miscellaneous facilitiesCoating• Receive the subgrade, adjust or have adjusted and mark the limits of the right-of-way to consolidate the plot for asphalt emulsion coating, hand-laid asphalt, pavers or concrete slabs• Ensure the completion of stone pavingTransport and preparation of materials/surfaces• Prepare and ensure the transfer of machines/vehicles, in accordance with planned lead times• Prepare the materials/surfaces (shaping or milling, adjustment of materials, flushing, application of first undercoats)Asphalt• Ensure manual laying of asphalt• Reprofile roadway constructions (buffer, etc.)Coatings• Spread aggregates to produce surface dressings• Oversee manual construction works to maintain surface dressings• Ensure that the coatings are compactedJOB REQUIREMENTSSignificant experience as a Team LeaderAuthorizationsAuthorizations may be required based on the position BR-B2V electrics authorization M2 mechanics authorization Authorization to intervene near networks (AIPR) + Minimum Safety Training Standards (SMS) (compulsory)DECONTAMINATION SITE SUPERVISORAuthorization for sub-section 3 asbestos building site supervisionJOB ENVIRONMENTReporting line: WORKS SUPERVISORInternal relations: Engineering Consultants (BE), Support Department, Journeymen, etc.External relations: sub-contractors, clients, suppliers, local residents, service providers, etc.


Formation / Expérience :   

De formation CAP / Bac Pro Mécanique Construction réparation / Maintenance de matériel TP, Matériel Agricole vous avez une expérience de minimum 2 ans dans ce domaine et de bonnes connaissances en mécanique, électricité, hydraulique, soudure... 

Compétences :  

ADR 1.3 Réception de carburants 

Habilitation électrique BR/BC 

Maîtrise des outils de bureautique 

Utilisation logiciel de gestion du matériel 

Permis B exigé (dépannages ponctuels à prévoir sur le département) 


Vous êtes réactif(ve), rigoureux(se) et avez le sens de l'organisation, ce poste est fait pour vous! 

Avantages :   

Salaire sur 13,3 mois, selon profil et expérience. 

Tickets restaurant, épargne salariale et actionnariat salarié. 


Conformément à nos valeurs, nous favorisons l'égalité des chances : tous nos postes sont ouverts, à compétences égales, aux candidatures de personnes reconnues en qualité de travailleurs handicapés. 

Vous souhaitez vous investir au sein d'un grand groupe capable de vous offrir de réelles opportunités de carrière. Alors rejoignez-nous !

Make every future a success.
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