Coordinator (Site Engineer) F/H
V.I.E. Etats Unis Master, Titre d'ingénieur, Bac +5
Job description
The coordinator oversees the quality control, the production, execution and/or construction of a technical or geographical portion of the Project.
Responsible for a portion of construction on the Project, such as a section, work area, structure or work zone.
Participation in weekly works meetings to plan construction activities and update Schedule.
Enhancing coordination between his/her work zone and the different other work zones adjacent.
Making sure his/her team or his/her subcontractor is working with latest approved documents.
Recording and alerting on progress of the works, as well as any deviations observed during construction work
Proposing corrective actions and implementing them once validated by his/her manager.
Participates at compliance of the works with the safety recommendations and the measures stipulated in the Health Safety Environment Plan. Must stop the works any time there is a risk for personnel injury
Acknowledgment of subcontractor planning and alerting on subcontractor deviations
Participating in, together with his/her manager, the details of the operating procedures, coordination meetings, 3-week lookahead schedules and other project construction meetings
Financial responsibilities:
Daily Works Report (timecard)
Work order or Job request to Project Control department
Following-up of deviations and implementation of validated corrective action
Legal and contractual responsibilities:
On-time delivery of construction components, together with proper and regular Monitoring
Responsibilities for HSE:
Ensure that the HSE plan is in application in every part of the scope.
Desired profile
- Master in engineering
- Fluent in english
- Driver License
About Division des Grands Projets
VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de 14 560 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 3,9 milliards d'euros (2023). Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, il conçoit et réalise des ouvrages complexes à l'international.
Ses domaines d'expertise couvrent les infrastructures de transport (ponts, tunnels, routes, ouvrages maritimes), les bâtiments (tours, aéroports, parkings), l'énergie et l'oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales), les infrastructures minières, hydrauliques et environnementales.
Grâce à son expertise, sa capacité d'ingénierie et son management de projets, il déploie des solutions globales et modulables, en partenariat avec les acteurs locaux.