Offers “Cesi”

36 days agoCesi

Stage M2 - Validation de l'appariement 3D de pièces hors tolérances H/F

  • Stage
  • 4-6 months
  • Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime)
  • IT development

Job description

Intégrer LINEACT au sein de CESI pour un stage de recherche serait une formidable opportunité de contribuer à des projets innovants, tout en approfondissant mes compétences dans un environnement à la pointe de la transformation numérique et de l’industrie 4.0.


This internship focuses on advancing the integration of AI into production lines by leveraging profilometer data to optimize waste reduction and enhance precision.

This M2 internship aims to develop the step 4 of the project, whose goal is to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the production line to reduce waste using the profilometers data.

The tasks assigned to the intern are as follows:

•                   Clean the point cloud to only extract the front part and determine if the point cloud is incomplete

•                   Match the CAD of the front part with its cloud point acquired by the laser profilometer.

•                   Determine the key area used to match the back and front part of the product.

•                   Creation of CAD back cover with defaults (out of tolerance dimensions)

•                   Match the CAD of the back part with the cloud point of the front part acquired by the laser profilometer.


Ce stage vise à faire progresser l'intégration de l'IA dans les lignes de production en exploitant les données des profilomètres pour optimiser la réduction des déchets et améliorer la précision.

Tolérance, correspondance 3D, CAO, Lean Management, Intelligence Artificielle

Ce stage de M2 vise à développer l'étape 4 du projet, dont l'objectif est d'intégrer l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) dans la ligne de production pour réduire les déchets en utilisant les données des profilomètres.

Les tâches assignées au stagiaire sont les suivantes :

•    Nettoyer le nuage de points pour n'extraire que la partie avant et déterminer si le nuage de points est incomplet

•    Faire correspondre la CAO de la partie avant avec son nuage de points acquis par le profilomètre laser.

•    Déterminer la zone clé utilisée pour faire correspondre la partie arrière et la partie avant du produit.

•    Création d'une couverture arrière CAO avec des valeurs par défaut (dimensions hors tolérance)

•    Faire correspondre la CAO de la partie arrière avec le point de nuage de la partie avant acquis par le profilomètre laser.

Research Work

Scientific context

This initiative is part of the collaboration between Cetim and CESI within the framework of the Industry of the Future. It focuses on implementing an online control demonstrator system integrated into an existing manufacturing chain on the CESI Industry of the Future platform at the Rouen campus

Industry 4.0 (or the Industry of the Future) can be seen as the convergence point between traditional operational and information technologies (ERP, MES, etc.) and data-driven disciplines such as Machine Learning (ML), Big Data Analytics, IoT, and Cloud Computing.


The use of these new technologies reduces the costs associated with collecting and managing industrial data while enabling new applications for these data in production and maintenance. For example, the various sensors embedded in production equipment must communicate and transmit their data using standard IoT protocols. This ensures better interoperability between the underlying components of the system.

To enhance the production tool, additional instrumentation will provide new control capabilities. These instruments must be integrated into the machine's MES and capable of disseminating information to other systems.

Prior works in the laboratory

This work follows on from a collaboration between CETIM and CESI which enabled a Profilometer to be installed on a production line. All the documents produced within this framework will be used as a basis for the work.


Lab presentation

CESI LINEACT (UR 7527), Laboratory for Digital Innovation for Businesses and Learning to Support the Competitiveness of Territories, anticipates and accompanies the technological mutations of sectors and services related to industry and construction. The historical proximity of CESI with companies is a determining element for our research activities. It has led us to focus our efforts on applied research close to companies and in partnership with them. A human-centered approach coupled with the use of technologies, as well as territorial networking and links with training, have enabled the construction of cross-cutting research; it puts humans, their needs and their uses, at the center of its issues and addresses the technological angle through these contributions.

Its research is organized according to two interdisciplinary scientific teams and several application areas.

-         Team 1 "Learning and Innovating" mainly concerns Cognitive Sciences, Social Sciences and Management Sciences, Training Techniques and those of Innovation. The main scientific objectives are the understanding of the effects of the environment, and more particularly of situations instrumented by technical objects (platforms, prototyping workshops, immersive systems...) on learning, creativity and innovation processes.

-         Team 2 "Engineering and Digital Tools" mainly concerns Digital Sciences and Engineering. The main scientific objectives focus on modeling, simulation, optimization and data analysis of cyber physical systems. Research work also focuses on decision support tools and on the study of human-system interactions in particular through digital twins coupled with virtual or augmented environments.


These two teams develop and cross their research in application areas such as

-         Industry 5.0,

-         Construction 4.0 and Sustainable City,

-         Digital Services.

Areas supported by research platforms, mainly that in Rouen dedicated to Factory 5.0 and those in Nanterre dedicated to Factory 5.0 and Construction 4.0. 

Presentation of CETIM

CETIM group

Since 1965, the development of Cetim has led to the creation of an international engineering group that supports your innovation and competitiveness challenges, offering the best in mechanical engineering technology expertise. It also aims to lead our clients into the industry of the future, in France and worldwide.

Thanks to the expertise of our 1000+ experts, engineers, and technicians, serving 4,000+ clients around the world, we achieve a turnover of €150 million. 50% of services are performed in the sectors of aeronautics, automotive, energy, and oil & gas (

Desired profile


Scientific and technical skills:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Python & C++ C# (optional)
  • Tensorflow
  • LINUX (WSL2)

Interpersonal Skills :

  • Autonomy, initiative, curiosity
  • Teamwork ability and good interpersonal skills
  • Rigorousness


Compétences scientifiques et techniques :

  • Intelligence Artificielle
  • Python & C++ C# (optional)
  • Tensorflow
  • LINUX (WSL2)

Compétences relationnelles :

  • Autonomie, initiative, curiosité
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe et bonnes aptitudes relationnelles
  • Rigueur

Gratification à 15% du plafond horaire de la Sécurité Sociale

Date de début : Février 2025


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