Robotique humanoïde: intégration sur le système réel et le jumeau numérique d'un atelier de production jumeau numérique H/F
Stage 4-6 months Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) IT development
Job description
Intégrer LINEACT au sein de CESI pour un stage de recherche serait une formidable opportunité de contribuer à des projets innovants, tout en approfondissant mes compétences dans un environnement à la pointe de la transformation numérique et de l’industrie 4.0.
The objective of the project is to develop and implement pick-and-place tasks on the TIAGo++ robot (a humanoid robot equipped with two arms and a mobile base) as well as on its digital twin interfaced with extended reality (XR DT), ensuring reliable, robust, and seamlessly integrated execution. This project is part of a larger effort to incorporate industrial robotic agents into a unified control framework designed by CESI LINEACT and partially funded by the JENII program (Immersive and Interactive Digital Twins for Education). This framework will facilitate interaction with the robot and its digital twin using virtual reality tools, opening up new opportunities for simulation, process optimization, and immersion in collaborative environments. The developments will focus on ensuring safe operation in the presence of human operators and will also need to be compatible with all 12 TIAGo++ robots deployed at CESI LINEACT.
L’objectif du projet est de développer et d’implémenter des tâches de pick-and-place sur le robot TIAGo++ (robot humanoïde doté de deux bras et d’une base mobile) ainsi que sur son jumeau numérique interfacé en réalité étendue (JN XR), tout en garantissant une exécution fiable, robuste et parfaitement intégrée. Ce travail s’inscrit dans un cadre plus large visant à intégrer des agents robotiques industriel dans un framework unifié de contrôle développé par CESI LINEACT et supporté en partie par le programme JENII (Jumeaux d'Enseignement Numériques Immersifs et Interactifs). Ce framework permettra notamment de faciliter l’interaction avec le robot et son jumeau grâce à des outils de réalité virtuelle, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles opportunités pour la simulation, l’optimisation des processus, et l’immersion dans des environnements collaboratifs. Les développements viseront à garantir une exploitation sécurisée en présence d’opérateurs humains. Ils devront également être compatibles avec l’ensemble des 12 robots TIAGo++ déployés au sein de CESI LINEACT.
Research Work
Scientific context
With the digital transformation of businesses and industries, and in the context of Industry 5.0 (Longo et al., 2020),, the development of digital twins (DT) (Leng et al., 2021) , alongside standards such as OPC-UA (Nguyen et al., 2022) and human-machine interfaces based on virtual reality (Adriana Cárdenas-Robledo et al., 2022) , has become essential and can be integrated into an XR Digital Twin (XR DT) (Havard, 2019; Song et al., 2022). These XR DTs enable training as well as the study of the design, simulation, and optimization of industrial systems, particularly those incorporating robotic agents. It is within this framework that we are conducting research on the architectures of XR DTs (Feddoul et al., 2024; Havard et al., 2023). For all of its tasks, the work may rely on the technological resources available at CESI on the Rouen campus.
The objective of the project is to develop and implement pick-and-place tasks on the TIAGo++ robot (a humanoid robot equipped with two arms and a mobile base) as well as on its digital twin interfaced with extended reality (XR DT), ensuring reliable, robust, and seamlessly integrated execution. This project is part of a larger effort to incorporate industrial robotic agents into a unified control framework designed by CESI LINEACT and partially funded by the JENII program (Immersive and Interactive Digital Twins for Education) This framework will facilitate interaction with the robot and its digital twin using virtual reality tools, opening up new opportunities for simulation, process optimization, and immersion in collaborative environments. The developments will focus on ensuring safe operation in the presence of human operators and will also need to be compatible with all 12 TIAGo++ robots deployed at CESI LINEACT. CT.
Prior works in the laboratory
The project relies on motion planning tools well-known within the ROS robotic community as well as at CESI (Moveit). It builds on previous work conducted in the laboratory, particularly in the field of industrial robot virtualization, both for research and for courses conducted through mixed reality experiments. Additionally, the project leverages advanced frameworks such as LINEACTUA (Havard et al., 2023), INTERVALES (Richard et al., 2021) and NEURONES (Courallet et al., 2024) for integration with third-party systems, especially in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These tools optimize the interaction between human operators and machines, while providing an immersive and intuitive environment to test, validate, and improve robotic solutions (Havard, 2019).
Work program
The first two months of the internship will be dedicated to implementing a proof of concept for pick-and-place on a real robot. The remainder of the internship will focus on strengthening and deploying the system, as well as integrating the developments into the XR Digital Twin of the Industry 5.0 platform at the laboratory.
Expected scientific/technical production
As part of their activities, the future intern will be tasked with:
- Detection and localization of known objects within the manufacturing workshop
- Performing secure pick-and-place tasks for object manipulation
- Unified integration of operations on the digital twin and the physical robot, using the LINEACTUA framework in real-time.
Lab presentation
CESI LINEACT (UR 7527), Laboratory for Digital Innovation for Businesses and Learning to Support the Competitiveness of Territories, anticipates and accompanies the technological mutations of sectors and services related to industry and construction. The historical proximity of CESI with companies is a determining element for our research activities. It has led us to focus our efforts on applied research close to companies and in partnership with them. A human-centered approach coupled with the use of technologies, as well as territorial networking and links with training, have enabled the construction of cross-cutting research; it puts humans, their needs and their uses, at the center of its issues and addresses the technological angle through these contributions.
Its research is organized according to two interdisciplinary scientific teams and several application areas.
- Team 1 "Learning and Innovating" mainly concerns Cognitive Sciences, Social Sciences and Management Sciences, Training Techniques and those of Innovation. The main scientific objectives are the understanding of the effects of the environment, and more particularly of situations instrumented by technical objects (platforms, prototyping workshops, immersive systems...) on learning, creativity and innovation processes.
- Team 2 "Engineering and Digital Tools" mainly concerns Digital Sciences and Engineering. The main scientific objectives focus on modeling, simulation, optimization and data analysis of cyber physical systems. Research work also focuses on decision support tools and on the study of human-system interactions in particular through digital twins coupled with virtual or augmented environments. These two teams develop and cross their research in application areas such as - Industry 5.0, - Construction 4.0 and Sustainable City, - Digital Services. Areas supported by research platforms, mainly that in Rouen dedicated to Factory 5.0 and those in Nanterre dedicated to Factory 5.0 and Construction 4.0.
Desired profile
Scientific and technical skills:
- Good Knowledge of the robotic environment (ROS)
- Familiarity with standard computer vision methods and filtering
- Knowledge of software development tools and virtualization
- Software development, particularly in Python and C++
- Knowledge of C# and Unity would be a plus.
Soft skills:
- Ability to unite and work in a team
- Curiosity and ingenuity
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Interest in technology
- Comfort with public speakin
Compétences scientifiques et techniques :
- Connaissance de l'environnement robotique (ROS)
- Connaissance de méthodes de standard de vision par ordinateur et filtrage
- Connaissance des outils de développement logiciel et en virtualisation
- Développement logiciel, notamment dans le langage Python
- Des connaissances en C++, C# et Unity seraient un plus
Compétences relationnelles :
- Capacité à fédérer et à travailler en équipe
- Curiosité et ingéniosité
- Bon relationnel
- Appétence pour la technique
- Aisance à prendre la parole en public
Gratification à 15% du plafond horaire de la Sécurité Sociale
Date de début : Février 2025