Violeta Chirica - WIZBII Violeta Chirica has published his/her professional profile on WIZBII. V C

Violeta Chirica


39years • Manchester


Hello my name is Violet and I am looking for part time work from 10 am to 2 pm , Monday through Thursday cleaner or hosekeeper in manchester . I have 10 years experience in the field, if someone needs to clean mn homes .. Please contact my will . 07393209650. Thanks



02-2013 - 06-2016 Hotels - Restaurantshousekeeper Motel One

Education & training

8 class- School Ion Luca Caragiale Nr 4

1995 - 2006 Tulcea, Municipiul Tulceaprymari school

Languages spoken

  • Spanish


  • Romanian

    Native language

Make every future a success.
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